Between industrial halls, behind advertising posters and noise barriers, you can discover a different world here in the middle of Linz’s commercial and industrial area. You are on the trail of the charm of the contrast between industry and nature. Since the middle of the last century, the entire eastern part of Linz has undergone a radical transformation from a meadow landscape to a vibrant industrial area. We discover extraordinary “RUDERAL niches” and visit the climate oasis.
Immerse yourself with us in a parallel universe of the Linz port and industrial area and discover with us the wonder of ruderal landscapes, a special flora and fauna in the context of the transformation of the original DONAU floodplain landscape into an industrial and port area.
We will hear the stories of the last professional danubefisher- family or former residents of the area through the ages. Landscape change through engineering work and Danube regulation measures during the industrialization of the urban area. The former Lustenau, the name of the district and the former name of the town, has now almost disappeared. Almost, because in the climate oasis at the “Hollabererhof” you can still enter the original bottomland and experience traditional farming structures.
After a hike under the protective roof of the garden pavilion, you can take a break and sample specialties from the garden.
The climate oasis is a deliberate focus against further sealing in the area and opens up the garden for climate awareness-raising measures. At the end of the climate tour, the history of the site is explained in more detail using graphics and planning material. A focal point in the garden is a specially designed “soil and environment trail” with an exhibited soil profile and the “TINY-FOREST”, a micro riparian forest created in 2021 by DI Peter Sommer and DI Christoph Wiesmayr. Using the Tiny Forest, a thematic arc from the historical floodplain landscape into the future is spanned and impressively conveyed.
Depending on the audience’s interests, environmentally and climate-relevant topics relating to the inanimate landscape are presented (geology, geomorphology, hydrology and pedology). The Danube floodplains of Linz are among the most species-rich landscapes in Upper Austria (botany, ecology and zoology). In the climate oasis, visitors can go on a research trip using maps and identification aids. Climatology and climate change in society and politics are discussed.